What is Accreditation?
Accreditation is a formal, independent verification that a certification bodies meets established quality standards and is competent to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks in an authoritative and impartial way. Conformity assessment tasks may include, but are not limited to, testing, inspection, or certification.
SAC defines Accreditation:
Enhances the credibility of laboratory tests, inspection, certification reports and certificates by providing reliable third party assurance that these services are conducted professionally and meet globally-recognised standards.
Our accreditations include:
SAC - Singapore Accreditation Council
Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) is the national accreditation body in Singapore and it is managed by Enterprise Singapore. SAC is International Accreditation Forum (IAF) recognized accreditation body.
For more details kindly refer to https://www.sac-accreditation.gov.sg/
JAS-ANZ - The Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand
JAS-ANZ is IAF recognized accreditation body. We are marketing representative of Transpacific Certifications Limited which accredited by JAS-ANZ.
For more details kindly refer to https://www.jas-anz.org/.