What is 3 years audit cycle for ISO certification?
ISO certification is based on a three-year audit cycle as it is not a single event, but rather an ongoing process that ensures your business complies with the requirements of its chosen standard.
Your ISO certificate is valid for three years after initial issue with 2 annual surveillance audits shall be conducted at least once a year.
Over the 3-years certification, the next 3 years cycle begins with a Recertification Audit and followed by 2 annual surveillance audits but your initial certification date will be remained unchanged. The initial date is to indicate how long your business have been certified and compliant for this ISO standard.
What is Initial audit?
A Initial Certification Audit is the first step for your organization once you have decided to undergo an assessment process and being certified for a chosen standard. Initial Certification Audit is completed in two stages: Stage 1 and Stage 2.
What is Surveillance audit?
In the 3-year cycle of an ISO Certificate, you will receive 2 surveillance audits, once each calendar year after your certification audit the first year of your cycle.
Surveillance Audit is a periodic audit performed by an external auditor to ensure your business or organization are continuing to meet the requirements of choosen standards. It is also to maintain the validity of your certificate throughout the 3-years cycle.
What is Recertification audit?
Over the first 3-years certification, the next 3 years cycle begins with a Recertification Audit and followed by 2 annual surveillance audits.
Recertification requires you to undergo an audit similar to the initial auditing process without the need for a stage one audit.
Can I skip any of the Surveillance Audits during the 3-years certification cycle?
The answer is NO. If any of the Surveillance audits is missed or skipped, the certificate will be lapsed and become invalid.
Once the certificate is invalid, you will need to undergo the initial audit assessement again in order to get certified for the chosen standards